Will-amette. Michael and Christi's son. Nick and I almost stole him, but we realized we didn't have a car seat. We visited the Papworths a few weekends ago in Greely, Colorado. Michael and Nick look a little bit like two dads from Eugene, a little scary! But they found their favorite shirt ever at the Denver REI- It says, "All those who wander to Eugene are not lost." and has a picture of a white trash wagon with a bunch of stuff in it. At the REI in Denver. We also went to Boulder, which we loved. But sadly, we didn't take any pictures. Boulder was actually the inspiration for the name of this Blog. (Long story).
I had heard a lot about this movie and was excited to see it (I have been watching a lot of below average movies on netflix). It was good, but I think that's all I can say about it. I loved learning more about Jackie Robinson, and I always appreciate a heroic sports movie, but there wasn't anything particularly amazing or special about it. Just a good quality movie.
Current Read
I read this book for my most recent book club, and I absolutely loved it. It's a great length, not too short and not too long. It kept me interested the entire time. It was mostly about art and art Degas specifically. I felt like I was constantly learning all about the art world which was fascinating. I highly recommend to anyone who has even a little bit of interest in art.