Wednesday, April 23, 2008
What I should have taken a picture of! Danget!
1. Santiago, our waiter at dinner every night. Whenever we were unsure about what to order, he would bring us both things. We decided on the first night to call him Santi for short, which we did. He didn't seem to mind. He became our best friend.
2. The Hairy Chest contest on the boat. On the last day of the cruise, they had a hairy chest contest, and the hairiest Indian I've ever seen was in it (I assume he won, but Carly and I didn't stick around long enough to find out). All of the other men were most likely drunk and dancing prevocitavely. But not the hairy Indian man. He was bouncing around, hopping from one foot to another.
3. Club Rex. Actually I think it was just Rex. This was the adult dance club on board, and Carly and I lit up the floor one night. No one else seemed to like us much; Carly overheard some people saying, "Stupid 18 year olds . . ." And yes, we did get carded. That happened after some underage Asians came and danced with us. I'm pretty sure the guy was hitting on Carly. Luckily, they got kicked out so Carly wasn't tempted.
4. The group dancing around the pool and at the Rex. The social coordinators on the cruise were teaching people dance moves, like the typical electric slide and the macarena. The best was the white males with no rythm (whom we suspected were Mormon) who were doing the dances. It's hard to explain, but it was priceless.
5. The Queen Mary Lounge Karaoke with the same five people singing the worst songs ever!!! The best one was an Asian girl who sang Madonna's, "Last night I dreampt of San Pedro . . ." I still have that sung stuck in my head.
6. The Michels Compound. McKenna's in-laws' house is cerazy! Daniel thought of a genius idea to take a picture of us, frame it and hang it up somewhere in the house. We had bets going to see how long it would take them to find it. Considering that there were only about 750 other framed pictures, random works of art around the house. Mac, you need to take pictures for me, and post them so we have proof.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Booze Cruise de Sombrero (or something like that)
Daniel and Carly on the Colussus. Nick was freaking out that I was going to drop the camera, but of course I didn't. As you can tell, I'm a very talented photographer.
I still get a little excited/afraid of big animals. Particularly Wylie and his yellow eyes made a little nervous. But I had to get a picture with him, its what you do at theme parks, right? I'm afraid this time I didn't see Wonder Woman, so I was desperate. On Monday afternoon, after driving along the coast, we boarded our ship, and she is. The beautiful Carnival Paradise. The whole time I wanted to sing the theme music to Titanic, but I could only think of the Celine Deon song. (Amander and Sam, we need to watch Titanic, speaking of which)
Our first stop on Tuesday morning was Catalina Island. It was so pretty and such a nice day.
Nick and Daniel were excited to go golfing.
Carly and I took a hike to the highest spot on the island. You can see our ship behind us in the water. I'm not sure if it was from being on the boat, but I got a little nauseous hiking . . .
But I made it.
Carly and I were a little confused about our hike. We got a little lost on the way there, and then we got a little worried while we were on our hike, because we weren't quite sure how to get back. We found a "short-cut" that was a steep part, that took us to a path going back down the hill. Carly fell a few times and I decided to just start going down on my butt. When we got down, we realized that it just cut through our original hike, so we hiked back up and around. It was pretty funny.
Tuesday night was formal night on the cruise. I was very disappointed that Nick didn't bring his tuxedo and cumberbun from high school choir. But what can you do.
On Wednesday, we landed in Ensenada. Carly and I had done some research and found a private beach a little bit away, Estero Beach. After a few Mexicans tried to screw with us, we found our way there. It was beautiful and no one was there. It was a little windy, but Carly and I ended up getting fried.
Nick and Daniel weren't too keen on laying out, so they played frisbee for a few minutes . . .
Then decided to dig a big hole.
A view of our private little beach. And Nick and Daniel still digging a hole
Enough said.
Their goal of finding oversized sombreros was accomplished. They wore them all over the ship that day and yes, people stared. All they needed to complete the tourist stereotype was a large Hawaiin shirt.
Carly and I were undefeated in our Spades tournaments. As you can tell, Carly was very focused. We really didn't rub it in as much as we should have, because let me know tell you, we killed them. They seem happy in this picture, but they were really crying inside.
And that's our trip. It was definitely a lot of fun and I would do it again in a heartbeat. Overall, I give cruises two thumbs up.
Quote of the trip

Sunday, April 20, 2008
Hip hip hooray!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008
We're Going Going Back Back to Cali Cali
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Hot Pocket!
The Day Has Come . . . well, almost

Saturday, April 5, 2008
We did It!
P.S. I used to have a moral standing on blogs, that I could only write one if I had kids (and only if they were attractive). As such, I will be putting a lot of pictures of my niece and nephew on here. As you probably know, I get my maternal fulfilling through them.