I have quite a few things for baby updates. First things first, decorating. My Mom finished the dust ruffle for the crib, and its so cute, I love it. Here it is below, laying on our crib that has not been put together yet. She has also finished the bumper pads, and part of the quilt, and it all looks so cute together. I can't wait to have it all set up!
With the help of my Mom, I also finished painting the baby's room. I was a little nervous when I was first painting it, cause it kinda looked like baby blue, which I didn't want. But after it was all finished and dried, I decided I love it. It's hard to tell the exact color from these pictures, but its sort of a very light, soothing, aqua blue.
And I also completed refinishing and painting an old desk into what will be my dresser and possibly changing table (still haven't decided). This was my first time working on a piece of furniture, so I'm proud of myself.
Next agenda item: my growing belly. I haven't been too huge, that is, up until the last week or so. She must have had a growth spurt, cause I am getting bigger every day! Before the last few days, I had people tell me I was really small for how far along I am. I don't think I'll be getting much more of those comments.
I returned from Spring Break to work yesterday, and today some of my kids saw me in class. They go, "Woah! Mrs. Cottle, you're huge!!!" I was also told, "Wow, you have a really big belly. But I can totally tell you're pregnant, you don't look just, ya know, fat." That was a nice reassurance. I am starting to experience what I've heard women talk about, with the painful bending over to pick things up off the ground, the waddling, the hurt feet, and just the heavy weight you're carrying around all day. I worked in my yard last week one day and I was completely wiped out! I can no longer pretend that I can still do everything I used to, which is a good thing I know. Being bigger makes me more and more excited for her arrival. Part of it is because I'm anxious to see her, and the other part is, I can't wait to have this pressure on my bladder relieved! Not to mention, I may have a few more items of clothing to wear.

Last item: health stuff.
I have been very frustrated and confused with this whole cholestasis thing. I am still itching like a mad woman, and the meds my doc gave me to help me sleep don't seem to help quite as much anymore. My blood work was indicating a lot of confusing results, and so I have had no idea what has been going on with my body. I take two tests to indicate cholestasis. One is a liver enzyme test and the other is a bile acid test. My liver enzymes are high, and have been going up and down. But my bile acid was within normal range. In the doctor's office yesterday, my OB kept saying the words, "I don't know." I was so frustrated I started to cry (and was then extremely embarrassed because I know I looked like a crazy, hormonal pregnant woman). I am doing monitoring for the baby still twice a week and labs once a week. The baby has been healthy, but I just felt like there was so much unanswered: when I would deliver, what exactly was causing my itching, and how I could try to relieve it.
Luckily, I was able to get an appointment with a perinatologist in Portland, who is supposed to be a specialist that can help give me some information. I wasn't extremely hopeful, because, quite frankly, I find that a lot of doctors haven't helped me before. But it was the most relieving day I've had in the last 3 1/2 weeks. He helped explain that I do, in fact, have Obscetric Cholestasis, and that the bile acid test is really only one part of it, because its not only bile that spills into my blood, but all kinds of things that could make me itch. We're going to not only continue monitoring and blood work, but he also gave me drugs to help lower liver enzymes that will hopefully help me stop itching! Yeah!!! He informed that I can absolutely not go past 38 weeks. If my itching and lab work doesn't improve, than they will take the baby between 36 - 37 weeks. That's really soon, like 3 weeks! But the medication is supposed to help lower the levels from my blood work, so I'm hopeful that I'll make it to 38.
We also had an ultrasound today as well up at the specialists' office, and it was a family affair: my Mom, Dad, Nick, and I were all there. It was a little bit harder to see her than my last ultrasound cause she's so squished in there, but it was still exciting. Her favorite movement was to stretch out and head butt me (which yes I feel all day long). The technician confirmed for Nick a final, 100%, that yes, it is a girl. Sorry Nick, 5th ultrasound, I think its set in stone. We also found out her weight . . . and she's a big girl!!! She's already 5 pounds, 6 ounces. Apparently, its the 67th percentile, but it seems bigger than that. If I carried her full term, she could end up being a 9 pounder. So maybe its a good thing I'm going to get induced. My Dad has decided now that her name will be big Bertha. Grandpa Mike (a.k.a. Pa), will be able to sing his favorite song to her, "Fatty Fatty two by four . . ." She is perfectly healthy in there, nothing wrong. And now, more than ever, I can't wait to meet my cute chubby little girl.
Her profile. It's a little hard to see, cause she actually has a hand up by her face.
One of her feet.
Sorry this post is so long, but thank you so much for your prayers and thoughts. I can't tell you how overwhelmed I have been with how sweet people are; its extremely humbling. I don't feel like I deserve such kindness, but I appreciate it more than you know.