Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Amnios are not fun
But its over and her lungs are mature enough, so I'm going in tomorrow morning to deliver my baby. Yeah! So the pain was probably just a preview of what I will experience, but that's okay, because I'll have my little girl to hold :) Wish me luck. I think I'll need it!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Good Baby News
I discovered that I am currently dilated to a 3 and am having contractions. My doctor came in and asked me, "Did you know you were having contractions?" I was like, uh, no. The other day my stomach got pretty tight so I had to stop what I was doing, but I just thought she was moving around. My doctor told me that there's a good chance I could deliver before May 5th. I was like, huh??? I have an amnio on Wednesday, and she said that if I wanted to, and everything from the amnio comes back normal, I could come in the next day to deliver. But either way, I'm excited because they don't have to put me on pitosin right away, they're just going to break my water and see how my body reacts. Hopefully I will just go into labor. My Mom got me all excited, cause she goes, "You're already 1/3 of the way done!" That is excellent news, because recently, I have been a little bit scared of contractions (although I do understand that the pain becomes exponentially worse).
We also had an ultrasound in which we found out her weight and everything. She is 6 pounds 11 ounces, which is a little bit smaller than what I thought she would be. She was moving like a crazy woman (and I can feel every little movement). She was exactly where I thought she was. Her head right on top of my bladder. She loves to roll her head around all the time. And she was sucking on her thumb. At one point it looked like she was sucking on four fingers. And her butt is up in my ribs. I think she tries to stretch and stick her butt out, because I can feel it all the time, blocking my ability to breathe. Every once in a while she'll kick me in the ribs, but its mostly her booty.
I had no idea my body was preparing for labor. I've just been walking around, doing things like normal. It's crazy!!! But I'm excited that things are progressing and that she's healthy (and that her head isn't too big!). I am very proud that my girl is early :)
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Cute Cousins
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Fabiola Esperanza Cottle

Besides Cinco de Mayo, May 5th is a special day because its the day that :
Christopher Columbus claims Jamaica for Spain
Napolean dies in exile on the island of Saint Helena
The first train robbery took place in North Bend, Ohio
Cy Young, as a pitcher on the Boston Americans, threw the first perfect game in modern baseball
Karl Marx' birthday
So, ya know, it's a pretty special day.
Monday, April 20, 2009
What Day Should I Deliver?
Thursday, April 16, 2009
B-town and Something Funny
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
The Last Post . . .
1) my love of Arrested Development, and Gob in particular (pronounced Job) and his status as a part time magician.
2) I've only got approximately 3 weeks to go until she's out of me!!!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Easter and some more
I am trying to start getting all the cousins on board for changing diapers. Nobody seems to be too excited about it yet!
My favorite moment of the night was when Marc self declared himself a metro sexual (he's in the third picture from the bottom, wearing the 80's track suit, the baggy tee shirt, and loafers). We told him that generally metro sexuals dress slightly different, and they aren't usually self declared :)
A wonderful Easter. Next year I'll have an almost one year old. Freaky!!!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
I'm Big and Bored
Lucky for you, I'm going to tell you all of the fun incidents I have had this week that explain my pessimistic outlook at the moment.
Monday was an absolutely gorgeous day. It was about 77 degrees here in Salem, and for those of you who have been here, that is actually pretty hot. I had two doctor's appointments that day, in which I found out that I would be returning the next day for more monitoring (as well as Thursday and Friday). The baby wasn't moving very well, and my doctor brought up that it might be necessary to have an ultrasound. I kept my cool all day because I had to go back to work. And then I told myself I wouldn't get upset because I was going to go home and enjoy the lack of rain. I was planning on working in my yard, which very much needed it, all day. I weeded for about thirty minutes and my back was about to give out. I tried starting the lawn mower, but no luck. And I lost it! I had a break down and kept telling myself, "I can't do anything!"
Since then, every day I go home after school, try to find as much to do as possible: laundry, dishes, play the piano, watch a little t.v., read blogs, etc. I know what you're thinking, "She's complaining about not having anything to do?" But the thing is, there is so much that needs to get done to prepare for the baby and do around the house. But by the time I get home from work, I'm hot, sweaty, itchy, tired, and my feet hurt. If I try to push myself too much, I either a) have a melt down b) find that I can't really move the next day or c) get a guilt trip from Nick.
And a new dilemma I discovered today: I don't have any shoes I can wear. I now understand where the whole "barefoot and pregnant" thing came from. I want to be bear foot all the time, even at work on the nasty school floors. I have started wearing flip flops, so I can itch my feet whenever I want. But I can hardly walk my feet hurt so bad by the end of the day. So today I wore tennis shoes. Big mistake! I was sweating like a pig all day, and my feet felt like they were on fire. It's really a no win situation.
I apologize for the venting session, but that's just how bored I am. Luckily, only a few weeks to go!!!