We decided Briz' new nickname will be Crusty. Her tear ducts have not completely developed, so instead of crying tears, she gets all this goop in her eyes. We had to go back to the doctor to check to make sure she didn't have an infection. Apparently, there's not much I can do about it, except wait for it to get normal. Her thrush improved for a little while, then came back, and now its improved again, so hopefully it will go away for good. And she's still working on the whole digestive system. She still has a little bit of a hard time figuring out how to get rid of the gas she gets after she eats. She think she wants to eat all the time! But she's getting much quicker at burping after she eats. Hallelujah! And once she does that, she's much more content and happy. Our doctor said that babies react differently to gas. Some babies develop collic, and other babies, you would have no idea they are gassy. And Brizban is just sensitive. In other words, she called our little girl a wimp. Uh oh! Drama already.
But she's developed perfectly. She now weighs 8 lbs. 1 oz. It's so sad, she's starting to outgrow some of her preemie onesies. She hasn't started getting chunky yet. She's getting longer and leaner. She lifts her head up all the time and literally almost rolled herself over the other day. She does not ever stop moving! And the happiest moment so far, she smiled while awake yesterday for the first time. We can't get enough of her, even when she is gassy and uncomfortable :) But she has slept 5 hours a couple nights in the last week, so that makes me love her even more!
In my own personal feat, I ran 1 mile a few times this last week. I was very proud of myself and very out of breath after I did it. It's all very sad, but baby steps!

Briz on her changing pad. She normally doesn't like it when I change her diaper, but she was very happy this time, so I thought I would take advantage of it and take a picture.

Just relaxing on Dad's stomach. I love this little pose.

This is one of her favorite positions. All curled up on her tummy. She is still so tiny. Nick's phone is about half her size in length.

She does this really funny thing where after she's crying and we put her on Nick's chest, she hides. We can't move her, she's like clenched in this position. It''s like she's saying, "Just leave me alone! I don't want to be here! Life is just way too hard!"