Other things she likes to do: saying "Dada", "Mama", "ba" (for ball), "aw duh" (all done), "dog", "cack"(for cat), talking in a high pitch, squeaky baby voice to herself all the time (I'm not kidding, she talks nonstop), playing tag, giggling, keys, balls, big kids, dancing in a way that makes her look like she has terrets, gasping for air when she gets excited, and following Mom or Dad around all day long.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
This Week
These are some things that Brizzy likes this week:
Reading books, on her own! She hardly will let me hold the book. She grabs it from me and wants to read it on her own. However, sometimes she struggles being able to turn the pages, and she generally ends up reading the book upside down.
Holding things in her hands while she walks around. More often than not it's a diaper or two. When she has poopy pants, she will walk with a diaper and bring it to Nick and I.
Bending over to pick things up off the ground.
Getting into everything! If its on the ground and/or she can touch it, she will get into it. Here she is just about to tear her book basket apart.
Waving to everyone and everything.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Graduation Part 1- Cottle Get Together
I am a little bit behind on posting pictures from Nick's graduation. He officially graduated on Sunday, May 16th. It was a fun weekend. His parents flew in from Utah and it was great hanging out with them. We went out to eat, played a little tennis, and spent some quality family time together. Not to mention it was sunny and in the high 70's, thus further proof that the universe wants them to move back to Oregon :) (The rest of the month has been extremely crappy weather).
The Saturday night before graduation, we went out to eat with family, and then went over to Grandpa Cottle's for dessert. I'm so grateful to have such a wonderful family that lives close by and is so supportive of our family.
Nate and Maddie were so nice to entertain Brizzy. She loved the attention.
A little sweaty and tired from playing so hard.
Nick getting some advise from Gramps.
The Saturday night before graduation, we went out to eat with family, and then went over to Grandpa Cottle's for dessert. I'm so grateful to have such a wonderful family that lives close by and is so supportive of our family.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Brizzy is spoiled for many reasons:
Our neighbor, "Grandma Annette" fed Briz her first taste of ice cream. Notice the chocolate moustache. And she is signing "more" because well, who doesn't want more ice cream after a taste? Our neighbors spoil Briz with all kinds of stuff and attention.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Happy Mothers Day to Moi
I had a wonderful Mother's Day Weekend. First, some of my girlfriends and I went to the coast. We didn't plan it to fall near mother's day, but we decided it was a wonderful gift to ourselves. It was actually for Kristi's birthday that was like three weeks previous. But hey, its a good excuse!
Julia hooked us up with a really nice condo in Newport. And the beach was gorgeous! The night we got there, we built a fire, and cooked hot dogs and s'mores. That's right, not only are we wilderness women, we're classy. Nothing like sandy, gritty, burnt hot dogs. But it was an adventure. We had fun in the next day talking . . . a lot, running on the beach, doing yoga on the beach, having a picnic on the beach, going to the farmer's market, watching a chick flick, and yes, again, talking. I had SO much fun. It's been way too long since I had a weekend with girlfriends. I'm already planning the next one! No seriously, I am. Next stop, Mexico.

Here is our amazing fire. It was a little challenging, since Friday night was extremely windy! We also accidentally parked right next to a huge log that smelled so bad like urine. It was way too late before we discovered this. And then someone told us that within about a foot of where we were, a dog was buried. Sure enough, there was a huge pile of dug up sand.
Megan, Kristi, Dani, and Julia.
Julia hooked us up with a really nice condo in Newport. And the beach was gorgeous! The night we got there, we built a fire, and cooked hot dogs and s'mores. That's right, not only are we wilderness women, we're classy. Nothing like sandy, gritty, burnt hot dogs. But it was an adventure. We had fun in the next day talking . . . a lot, running on the beach, doing yoga on the beach, having a picnic on the beach, going to the farmer's market, watching a chick flick, and yes, again, talking. I had SO much fun. It's been way too long since I had a weekend with girlfriends. I'm already planning the next one! No seriously, I am. Next stop, Mexico.

Third time's a charm! It took Kristi three times to successfully cook a hot dog and eat it.

Nick watched Brizzy while I was gone. And I don't normally brag about Nick on my blog, but I really am lucky to have a husband is a good Dad. He has absolultey no qualms about watching Briz on his own. In fact, I think he likes it. So maybe I'll be a supportive wife and go away more often with my girlfriends :)
On Mother's Day, Nick got me a minitiature rose plant, some earrings, and some Cinnamon Bears. He let me sleep in, cooked me breakfast, did the dishes and the laundry (well some of it). Well done, Nick. Well done. I think I would like a quarterly mother's day. That's fair, right?
Sunday, May 9, 2010
I've been postponing it for a long time, but Brizzy's hair was getting kind of gross, so it was time for haircut #3.

I went with the same method as last time: sat her on a towel naked while she watched Signing Times. But she does not sit still ever! So this time I also added cheerios to the mix, and those helped a lot. This is the pre cut picture, in case you couldn't tell!

Here is the mulitude in full force. And who can resist a chubby baby's bottom? Okay, a lot of people probably can, but I'm not one of those people. I love her cottage cheese tushy!
Friday, May 7, 2010
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Check Up
Brizzy had her 1 year check up and here are her stats:
Weight: 20 lbs. 14 oz. - 50th %ile
Height: 28 in. - 25%ile
Head- 75%ile
So she's now my short and stalky, rolly polly girl. I love her chubby cheeks, double chin, big belly, and thunder thighs. And she also a pretty tough little girl. She hardly ever cries when she falls, runs into things, hits her head, slips, etc. (which happens a lot).
She is now walking, but it is fairly slow and clumsy. She's constantly falling on her bum and then finding something to pull herself up on again. She likes to hit now, but I'm pretty sure she doesn't know she's hitting. She lightly slaps people's faces, but sometimes she hits hard on accident. She loves playing with balls, cars, blocks, anything that is not feminine pretty much :) She's fairly aggressive. And she LOVES big kids. She signs more ALL the time!!! Whenever she likes something she eats, or someone is doing something she likes, she lets them know she wants more. She also signs ball, eat, and waves hi constantly. She knows where her hair and belly are, and will even pat her belly like an old fat man when she's being goofy.
I love my little pal. She's my buddy.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Haaaapppy Birfday!
On Saturday, we had Brizzy's first birthday party. Although she didn't quite get all of it, I'm not sure she's complaining about all of the attention. I did a bouncy ball theme because Briz loves playing with balls. She would play catch all day long if she could.
She looks a little scared to blow out the candles. We've sung "Happy Birthday" to her quite a few times, and she gets excited and claps her hands. Not much different from singing any other song. Sadly, this is also the best shot of the cake I got. It was homemade, and it had frosting bouncy balls all over it.
All of her food is a science experiment these days, so it shouldn't have been too surprising that she liked to hit her birthday cake.
Not sure if those are big enough handfuls!
Jaron was one of her friends that attended. We tried him out in the johnny jump up thingy. I particularly like it that we caught him with the "sassy."
Piper was another friend that attended. She was more excited about Brizzy's presents than Brizzy herself. Well, Piper loved all of the tissue paper.
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