Ten Things
I was tagged by Amanda a very long time ago; once you have been tagged you have to write a blog with 10 random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end you choose other people to be tagged. Here are my things:
1. I really enjoy watching HGTV. I'm not a very creative person, so the only way I would ever have a decorative house is by stealing it from a TV show. Besides, how many times can I watch re-runs of America's Next Top Model?

2. The other day, an 8th grade student of mine was staring at me and looking at me really funny for a while. And then she asked, "Mrs. Cottle, are you Colombian or something?" I secretly love it when people think I'm a different race because I have a weird color skin (its oddly green).

3. I love artichokes and broccoli. I get very excited when I think about eating them, and would eat them all day every day if I could afford it (artichokes are ridiculously expensive!).

4. I had a dream the other night that I was playing in the NBA. I was the first and only female, but I was only an alternate, and got to suit up at away games. Our team was up by like 80 points in one game and so they put me in. I was really scared, but I went it and did really good. The whole time I kept thinking, "This isn't that bad, these players aren't that good. WMBA please!"

5. When I was younger, my sisters and I loved going to NBA games and getting into arguments with old drunk men. We were a little obnoxious, and felt pretty stupid when we lost. But still, I can't believe these men that would argue with us the whole game!
6. I hate video games. I hate them. I don't mind playing the Wii every once in a while, as in like once a year. And I must admit, Rock Band is fun. But overall, I think they're evil.

7. I still really enjoy watching Disney movies, particularly if its a good one. It makes me feel young inside. I especially love Beauty and the Beast, but sadly haven't seen it in a very long time. When I was younger, I liked it because I thought it was the most "deep" Disney movie; the whole beauty within thing.

8. I wish I could garden and plant flowers, but I suck at it.
9. I hate going to the gym. I would so much rather run outside, which is why I like it when its warmer outside. I'm not a big fan, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do.

10. I can only sleep if I'm a little cold. So I always have the fan running and usually have the window open. Then I have to sleep with three pillows. One for the base, on soft one on top, and another soft one to cover my eyes. I need a big blanket to cover my whole body, including my face. This is how I sleep. What? I'm not high maintenanced!

I was tagged by Amanda a very long time ago; once you have been tagged you have to write a blog with 10 random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end you choose other people to be tagged. Here are my things:
1. I really enjoy watching HGTV. I'm not a very creative person, so the only way I would ever have a decorative house is by stealing it from a TV show. Besides, how many times can I watch re-runs of America's Next Top Model?

2. The other day, an 8th grade student of mine was staring at me and looking at me really funny for a while. And then she asked, "Mrs. Cottle, are you Colombian or something?" I secretly love it when people think I'm a different race because I have a weird color skin (its oddly green).

3. I love artichokes and broccoli. I get very excited when I think about eating them, and would eat them all day every day if I could afford it (artichokes are ridiculously expensive!).

4. I had a dream the other night that I was playing in the NBA. I was the first and only female, but I was only an alternate, and got to suit up at away games. Our team was up by like 80 points in one game and so they put me in. I was really scared, but I went it and did really good. The whole time I kept thinking, "This isn't that bad, these players aren't that good. WMBA please!"

5. When I was younger, my sisters and I loved going to NBA games and getting into arguments with old drunk men. We were a little obnoxious, and felt pretty stupid when we lost. But still, I can't believe these men that would argue with us the whole game!

6. I hate video games. I hate them. I don't mind playing the Wii every once in a while, as in like once a year. And I must admit, Rock Band is fun. But overall, I think they're evil.

7. I still really enjoy watching Disney movies, particularly if its a good one. It makes me feel young inside. I especially love Beauty and the Beast, but sadly haven't seen it in a very long time. When I was younger, I liked it because I thought it was the most "deep" Disney movie; the whole beauty within thing.

8. I wish I could garden and plant flowers, but I suck at it.

9. I hate going to the gym. I would so much rather run outside, which is why I like it when its warmer outside. I'm not a big fan, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do.

10. I can only sleep if I'm a little cold. So I always have the fan running and usually have the window open. Then I have to sleep with three pillows. One for the base, on soft one on top, and another soft one to cover my eyes. I need a big blanket to cover my whole body, including my face. This is how I sleep. What? I'm not high maintenanced!

How in the heck are you? I was blog surfing and stumbled on your bloggity blog. How are you guys??? I got married last year and am living in San Antonio, TX and Kingston (my hubby) is applying for law school in the fall. So far we've gotten in to Idaho. Its kind of a secret because people here don't know we'll be leaving. ANYWAY.
How are things?? Our blog is kingstonandkristi.blogspot.com
-Kristi Jo
(Now Kristi Jo White)
I miss ballin it up with yoU!!!
Thank you for doing this! I knew your list would be interesting, and it was. I still laugh at the Columbian comment. Your sleep one was funny too - I have very specific ways I like to sleep, so I totally understand!
uh, you're weird.
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