Here she is eyeing food.
I had fun with Ali, particularly when we were making friends with as many twelve year old boys as possible! (I miss my job).
This is us golfing in Oregon a week before he left.
The last day, we woke up in the morning and it was raining and it was freezing. Like 40 degrees. I really thought it might snow. Luckily, the weather calmed down and it actually turned uot a little bit nice that day.
Overall, it was a nice little spiritual experience. And it was fun to do something with the youth. However, there were still a couple funny stories from the trek:
1. The last night at the hoe down, there was a couple that was like really serious into the country line dancing and swing dancing. They actually started doing lifts. Nick and I were tempted to try it, but then realized we would probably get hurt.
2. After they were done playing fast songs, the band wanted to end with a spiritual song. So they played How Great Thou Art. Nick and I were joking around with each other about how we should go slow dance to it. Sure enough, a few couples went out and started slow dancing to it. Nick and I were mixed between laughing and being completely baffled. We were like, um, is this appropriate? We realized just as we were making fun of the couples dancing, the stake president was standing right next to us and probably had overheard everything. It was a weird 5 minutes.
This is a map of Oregon, and you can see where we'll be. We are going to be in Salem, the capital. It's where the little red star is. It's actually a great location, its about 30 to 45 minutes away from everything, the city, the beach, the mountains.
This is Portland (on a clear day).
There are a lot of beautiful places around Salem that are great for hiking and sight seeing and everything. This is Silver Falls, a state park next to Salem.