Nick and I went to Lake Powell last week with his family and some family friends, the Bradshaws. It was ridiculously hot, but the water was perfect temperature! I love Lake Powell so much, and never want to leave. It was fun going with Nick's family, to spend some time with them, especially before we move.
This is Brittany, my sister in law. We went on a hike one day up to these cliffs. If you have really good eyes, you can see a spot of blue in the distance, that's Nick.
This is the view from our hike. You can see our houseboat on the right. I used to not think the red rocks were pretty, but I've changed my mind. I think its so beautiful there. I'm definitely going to miss Southern Utah.
Jacci, Nick's other little sister, just got done wakeboarding like a pro. I think her nails helped her.
Nick, and his new hobby, fishing. He caught one the first night, and then a few nights later caught a freakin' huge bass. I was so proud. I wish he was wearing his sweet fishing hat in this picture!

Me wakeboarding. I kinda sucked. When I went a few weeks ago, I jumped one side of the wake, but I was a wimp and couldn't handle waves at all this time. What can I say, I need all the gear. I'm a high maintenance wakeboarder. That's how I roll.
Nick doing the screamin' semen. He also did the pirate and attempted to do the shotgun, but I didn't get any pictures. Besides, as he explains, all of these tricks are better when you waterski naked.
Mike, a.k.a. father in law, a.k.a., Nick's pa. He's one of my favorite people. Even more so because he wears long pants at Lake Powell!
Tube Wars!!! We spent pretty much two full days on the tubes. Trying to get everyone on to one tube was a big challenge. It was so much fun though. There were a few injuries, but that's the sacrifice you make.
We had fun laying out, going swimming, playing games, watching the Celtics win! I'm still in denial, that I am home and somewhat back to real life. Not exactly, seeing as I'm done with school and my job. But you know what I mean.
Ah, I'm so jealous you were just there! It looks like you guys had an amazing time.
And seriously, I had no idea there was something called the screaming semen.
Looks like a ton of fun! For all the piles of money we have lying around to enjoy fondue with, we know no one with a boat, and I haven't been to Powell since high school.
And I second Amanda's comment about the screaming semen. Although, it's totally something I would try.
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