Poor Mike and Nick very tired from all of their hard work. They were snoring simultaneously. Julie and I were the only ones not surprised.
Saturday, we moved all of our stuff in, and had a moving party. Nick and I brought along, Mike, Julie, Dave, Stacy, Sierra, and some of the parent's friends. It wasn't too bad, and I have to say the one good thing about moving, is that its like Christmas. Everything that came out of the truck, I was like, "Oh yeah, I forgot about that!" I guess if I have nothing else to show for being married for four years, its a truck full of stuff. Sunday, we went back up to Lake Oswego with the in-laws to go the ward. We spent the day there, and had a great afternoon with the Cottles.
Playing Badminton in my parents backyard.
Sunday night Nick and I drove back down to Salem, and we have been unpacking, organizing, etc. since. I am extremely excited about my cute little house. I will probably post pictures of the inside (now somewhat decorated), because, well, let's be honest, it's the only thing I've got to think about these days :) A lot has happened that I would like to share in length, but to spare you, I decided to make a list of good and bad things that I have experienced since moving to Oregon.
First, the bad:
- I have seen and killed two spiders already, more than I would like to, and Nick told me yesterday that I better toughen up because I better plan on killing a lot. There are a ton in our yard.
-I have had to make promises to Nick in order to bribe him to get him to do stuff around the house for me, and I am in serious debt!
- I miss Palmer and Portia so bad, and my stupid sister won't come to Oregon. I think she's afraid they'll discover that they would prefer me as their mom. Come on Bri, you know it's true! Palmer left me a message a little over a week ago, saying, "Hi Lexie, this is Palmer. I love you. Bye" It was the cutest thing, and I have played it for anyone who will listen . . . a few times.
- I have learned that I am going to have to get in better shape for running, because everything is hills around here.
- I get terrible cell phone reception in my house (I'm sorry if I haven't called you back, see description of my last week above).
- The radio stations here suck. Nick misses Cozy.
- I still don't have a job :(
- I miss my friends. :(
Good news:
- I have trees all around me in my yard, and privacy.
- A home has already made me more domestic. I have cooked, and I have been working in my yard. I even almost planted a garden, but then my Mom told me it was too late to plant seeds. But next spring, I may have some deformed tomatoes and peas, so watch out!
- I have been able to spend time with a lot of family here. Nick, my Mom, and I went to this great swimming hole yesterday, and it was so much fun.
Nick and Mom at the swimming hole. Only my Mom wears a dress hiking. What a weirdo!
Me next to the waterfall at the swimming hole.
-I have so much space in my house!
- I love all of the flowers there are here. There are hanging baskets everywhere.
- This weekend we are going to the cabin, and are going to play on our uncle James' boat, and my parents jet skis, go swimming, and probably on some hikes. Life doesn't get too much better.
- I have a garage!
- We haven't gone yet, but the beach is close, and I will probably go soon. Just the possibility is liberating.
- It is beautiful to run here, there are trees and vineyards and fields and parks all around my house, so as much as I'm panting very very heavy, I am at least distracted while doing so.
- Everyone is very friendly in Oregon. People talk to me wherever I go, and I'm not really used to that. Pretty much the only time I've gone out this week, to the grocery store, I was asked if I was Mormon (I informed a person I moved from Salt Lake City). I was like, huh, oh, right, yeah, I am. It was a good thing I was wearing my conservative outfit, and not one of my bell shirts.
-The last and perhaps most important thing that has been great about moving here is my new love of Arrested Development. We don't have any cable yet, so we have been watching the first season on DVD. I will probably devote a whole post to this, because I can't explain how much I love the show. I think I will probably post something about each character now that I mention it. I don't know why it took me so long . . .

Until next time, please send me e-mails and tell me what you're doing. I miss hearing from you.
I've missed you! It sounds like things have been crazy busy up there - but at least you are doing some fun things too. Looks like you have internet now, so that is a plus!
I hope that the good outweighs the bad!
And I'm doing a giveaway on my blog, that I think you would appreciate. You have until tomorrow night to enter!
Is the book club blog going to be up soon?
it all looks like to much fun and as always SO beautiful.
im glad that nick is out there with you too.
most of all, so glad that you love arrested development. i always feel guilty watching it but cant resist. buster and job are so my favs. but i love george michael and the mom too. i love them all. they were sucessfully picked.
if you like that, i think that you guys would like freaks and geeks, if you havent seen it already. were really late on watching this series, but bought the season and watch it happily every night.
uh, thanks. but I have to say that I'm a but jealous that you got to move. Someday, I will leave the condo, preferably before the birth of a fourth child.
Anyway, I think I'm going to come up in september and visit while Ronell's out of town. Besides, it's only two short years and then, hopefully, we'll be in the NW, too!!!
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