So Carly, being the dear friend that she is decided to come and visit me this weekend since it was a long one. It was a weekend of many firsts for Carly, so here they are . . .
First time in Oregon. It's green and there is a lot of water. We saw some of it.
First time hiking with a pregnant women. I apologize for my gasiness, but like everything else, I blame it on the fetus. (P.S. I apologize for how disgusting I look, please realize I am not always this hideous, but am trying to stick my belly out as far as possible. But yes, I do have a belly and I really like it).
First time being asked by a singles ward bishop which singles ward she attends in Oregon, and then having to correct him and tell him that she's married. You have to admit, we do look young. I'm still sort of hoping he thought I was bearing an illegitimate child. What a good missionary he was!
First time seeing "Dr. Seuss" trees. Word to describe Portland :mossy.
First time in Portland and at the Rose Garden/Washington Park. It's particularly exciting when there are no roses and its freakin' freezing!
First time in downtown Portland, which was again pretty cold.
First time at Nick and Lexie's house.
First time eating at a few different restaurants: Burgerville, Newport Bay, Papa Haydn's, La Hacienda Real (the horse picture).
First time finishing Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood (okay, this is only half true because she fell asleep a few times in the movie).
First time witnessing Lexie teach the Miamaids, and understanding truly how spiritual I am (I know its improper English to use the third and first person in the same sentence but I don't care).

First time watching Lexie coach the freshmen girls b-ball team (and then lose by 30 points).
First time at North Salem High School to discover that their bathrooms are disgusting and their soap is cheap and gross- that's how we roll.
First time feeling sick, throwing up, and then feeling better immediately after. I swear it was a bad apple.
First time losing her wedding ring :(
First time missing her flight :(
First time she heard Daniel say, "I tore my ACL, and I hit both of our cars."
So, while there were a lot of firsts for Carly, not all of them were good. You can blame Karma, but as always, I blame the fetus. It will work for another few months at least. Either way, thanks for coming to visit me and spend some time with me. It was so much fun, and I feel like we can never have enough time to sit around and talk.
The End.
You look so cute!!! You can blame everything on the fetus. I still blame Will for making me want to eat detergent, and oddly enough, I still really really do everytime I smell it. Somethings stay with ya! Hopefully just the good things!
How cute is your belly?? (And side comment - that is really hilarious your administrators were discussing your weight gain!)
Poor Carly for all the bad things that happened!
i didnt hit both cars...the ice caused that to happen. the way you wrote that implies that i just ran into both cars like an idiot when really all i did was put the explorer in reverse and gravity and ice did the rest. i hate my parking lot.
Yes, Daniel, I realize this. But I didn't want to go into a big explanation. Plus, its funnier the way I wrote it. Normally, I only make fun of Nick, but now you've joined the ranks! Feel free to explain on your blog what really happened. It's all fair game!
hey fetus growing inside your body lexi! it is extremly sad that when you have this little girl baby you will have to stop caller HER a fetus. bummer
you do look totally cute with a round belly. i guess this means if you gain weight you wont look bad. yea!!
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