It's official, I have started waddling. My belly seems to get bigger by the day. I can't believe how fast it changes. Sometimes during the day, I still forget I'm pregnant, and then I try to bend over and realize I've become a rather large woman. And oh yeah, I waddle. My doctor called me last week and said that I am now allowed to exercise; I wasn't supposed to for about a month because of some complications, but now trying to exercise again has been interesting. During basketball, I try to run a little bit with my girls, but they call my "running" the Cottle Waddle. It doesn't help that I scrimmaged with them a little bit last week and I swear I pulled something while trying to shoot. This little girl did not seem to be happy in there! I can't wait until b-ball is over (this is my last week), and I will have time for some moderate exercise, like walking!

P.S. About the pictures . . . I don't generally wear shirts this tight, I'm not quite comfortable doing that yet, this was just for pictures sake so you get an idea of how big my belly is.
You're such a cute pregnant woman! I can't wait to see your belly in person in just a few days!
You look so cute. I am going to be catching up to you fast. The nurse said that between 24-28 weeks I will be as big as a full term singleton mommy. I'm getting bigger everyday.
you really are so precious. i love your tight shirt disclaimer. that's all i wore when i was pregnant (maybe because i couldn't help things getting tight). i loved that i didn't have to worry about normal belly rolls and stuff..especially after i ate. it's the it off! ok so sorry i rubbed my hands all over you last night. i seriously can't help myself around pregnant bellies...and yours is so perfect, i can't keep my hands off! i'm obsessed. i can't believe you're still playing basketball. you are a crazy woman. i would love to see your girls play. do you play at home this week? ps. do you need any prego clothes? i have a few that you might like...
cute...isn't being pregnant just great! haha
You look SO great Lex! I can't believe that you are still trying to run at the time I was that far along, I just wanted off my feet! You're darling!
you should wear tighter because you look smokin!
and dont worry, the waddle goes away.
and i so wish i could have seen you running up and down the court.
(hee hee ha haa!)
no really, you look really cute.
You're not rather big, you're rather cute I'd say. I see me my share of preggos, and you my friend are on the petite side. For realz.
Thanks for the nice comments. I'll be honest, I was just fishing for them. My self esteem could use them!
Kelly - you can rub my belly all you want. I said one of the weird things about me being pregnant is that I feel weird and uncomfortable when people stare at my belly, but I kinda like it when people rub it. Weird, I know. And uh, yeah, I would love some maternity clothes. I'm already really really sick of mine.
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