For those of you who know Nick, you know that he hasn't actually had his birthday yet. But on Saturday, I threw him a surprise bday party. That's right; I'm a really good wife. But mostly I did it because I was trying to figure out how to get out of celebrating his birthday on its actual date (this Saturday). I hate his birthday. It sucks because no one cares about it, being a few days before Christmas. But his party was really fun and I successfully surprised him.
We wore ugly Christmas sweaters, which apparently is trendy (a girl at work told me that today; I had no idea), and we exchanged white elephant gifts. We ate a lot of food and played a hillarious game called Quelf. I highly recommend it for a group of people that are pretty comfortable with each other. Just a small example: the very first turn our friend did a belly dance on another friend (both male), while lifting up his shirt and rubbing his stomach. It was a good time! Here are some pics.
Brett and Julia. Brett had to do the most embarrassing things the whole game, but he loved it. Their adopted son was born yesterday :)
Billy and Kera in their sweaters. Billy's was my favorite, because it could sort of pass for normal, but just ugly.
Kristi decided to go the whole nine yards and dress her entire outfit with the ugly Christmas sweater. In the words of Kera, she looked like a sister missionary! Hahaha.

Kyle reading the directions to Quelf. The reason I came to like Kyle more this weekend: he wore this sweater to church the next day.
Nick's sweater I bought for him. I never did tell him that I got it from the Women section at Value Village. I thought the ears would top it off nicely, and of course they remind me of Dwight Schrute.He got attacked with silly string. I told them to go for his eyes.
For more pics, go to Kera's blog.
Lex, you are hilarious. His sweater is from Value Village in the women's section? Awesome. Silly string? Awesome.
I inherited an awesome ugly Christmas sweater when Grammie died. (I also got wreath clip-on earrings and a Christmas tree pin that lights up.) I have been so excited to wear the ensemble, but the proper occasion didn't really present itself so I wore it to our ward Christmas Party. Well...that didn't quite work because apparently it was not obvious I was trying to be funny and I got several compliments. Our friends thought it was a joke...but didn't really say anything until we did first. It made the night a little awkward.
Meredith, if you lived in Oregon, you could have worn it that night. We would have all appreciated it.
You really should have worn that outfit to church and then be dead serious.
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