I do not normally use my blog as a venue for bragging about my husband. I am a mean wife, and making fun of him just comes much more naturally. But I
did get tagged by Kristi, so here it goes . . .
1.Where did you meet? Nick and I first met at stake dance in Lake Oswego the summer of 1998.
2.How long did you date before you were married? We dated for almost a year before we officially got engaged, but this is of course not counting the time we spent over the summers during teenage years and the months of talking on the phone.
3.How long have you been married? We've been married for almost 4 1/2 years. Crazy how fast time flies by. We're coming up on 5 years, and that seems like such a long time to be married!
4.What is one thing he does that surprises you? It still surprises me how much he teases me. He seriously never lets up. Even when I'm extremely moody, you would think he would censor it a little bit, but nope. It also still surprises me how much energy he has. He's either sleeping really hard or going 100%.
5.What is your favorite feature about him? I love his smile. I can't help smiling when he's smiling (unless he has an evil grin). But really, I love every feature. He's a handsome guy who is not able to put on weight no matter what crap he eats!
6.What is your favorite quality about him? I love his outlook on life. He's so confident and positive and steady. Things don't change him very easily.
7.Does he have a nickname for you? He calls me Lou. I'm so used to it, but people who haven't heard it think its kind of funny. My family calls me Lexie Lou, or Lou Lou. So he just started calling me Lou.
8.What's his favorite color? Orange. Duh.
9.What's his favorite food? He really likes oreos and milk late at night. For a meal, he loves Italian food, like lasagna and chicken parmesan. It works out perfectly cause I really don't love Italian food.
10.What's his favorite sport? Any sport that he can play, and as far as watching sports, whatever is on Sports Center (maybe minus Nascar, Hockey, and boxing).
11.Who said, "I love you" first? He said it. I think he told me on my birthday when we were going out. I broke up with him that night. I was a little freaked out.
12.When and where was your first kiss? Our first kiss was when I was 14 and he was 16 (I was almost 15!) at the Portland Oregon temple. Awwww . . . It's pretty embarrassing, but hey, its the truth.
13.What's your favorite thing to do as a couple? We like to play sports together, mostly tennis. We like to play games, even though he always beats me at everything. I've learned to get over it a little bit. We love to watch tv shows on DVD, particularly Friends and Arrested Development. And really anything I plan, he's generally up for it. Sometimes we like having debates, unless its about politics because that always ends up in a fight.
14.Do you have kids? Not yet. Hopefully soon.
15.What's a hidden talent of his? Well I don't know if its hidden, but he's really good with people. He's an excellent salesperson. But he's also particularly talented in coming up with business ideas and thinking of ways to grow businesses. He gets really excited about it (kinda nerdy if you ask me). He's also a really good teacher. He can give talks or lessons on the spot. He also is an amazing athlete. Seriously I've never seen anyone be so good at every sport he tries. He played on an intramural soccer team with all of these international students, and he scored more goals than any of them (I had no idea he knew anything about soccer).
16.How old is he? 26
17.What do you admire most about him? His consistency in the gospel. He is extremely obedient and is always volunteering us (which sometimes I complain about) for service. He is also so outgoing and friendly with anybody. He can make friends with practically anyone. He is also a very hard worker, particularly once he sets his mind to something.
18.What's his favorite past time? Anything active. Teasing people. Not being able to smell.
19.What's his favorite type of music? Nick is weird. He doesn't like music. In fact, he makes fun of me all of the time because I'll quiz him and ask him, "What song is this?" or "Who sings this?" And he always responds, "Do you really still not know me at all?"
20.Do you think he'll read this? Probably not. I think he forgets we have a blog unless I'm typing up a new post while he's sitting there. But he might because I'm going to tell him I wrote about him.