Wednesday, September 10, 2008

My Serious Tagging

Notice the pun with grafitti? I spend too much time around gang banging high schoolers.

8 things that i am passionate about
1. Counseling kids
2. The gospel
3. Nick/my marriage
4. Friends
5. Sleeping
6. The Ducks and BYU football
7. Being outside and active, for any excuse
8. Politics

8 words or phrases i use often...
1. Get your butts down! Stay on the balls of your feet! Watch your foot work! (I'm helping coach girls volleyball)
2. One more episode (of Arrested Development/Friends)
3. I'm tired (every night after work and practice)
4. I'll see you tomorrow night, maybe (to Nick when we go to bed)
5. Yeah, that's frustrating (kids being in a class they hate or some other problem)
6. Hi, I'm Lexie (I've met a lot of new people in the last few weeks)
7. No! (to kids and to Nick)
8. I can take a look at it (working with teachers, administrators, parents, kids, etc.)

8 things i want to do before i die...
1. Have a family
2. Travel to a lot of different places, as many as possible
3. Learn Spanish well
4. Start my own counseling business
5. Go on a mission
6. Do a triathlon, at least a sprint
7. Let people know how much I care about them.
8. Sky dive

8 things i have learned from my past..
1. Life sucks as a teenager.
2. Living in the moment is what true peace is. Worrying about the future does not do any good (still trying to get better at this :))
3. Trust in the spirit and have faith in the Lord, even when things don't make sense.
4. Everyone else has their own insecurities too.
5. Be nice to your parents.
6. In high school (well and pretty much most of their life) boys are only really thinking about one thing.
7. The older you get, the less you really know.
8. Get your will in order before you die (this is a shout out to my madre).

8 places i would love to go or see..
1. Australia/New Zealand
2. Italy
3. Jerusalem
4. Costa Rica
5. Southeast Asia
6. Seattle!!!! (can you believe I've never been)
7. Portland Rose Garden (one of my favorite places ever)
8. Anywhere!!! Honestly, I will go anywhere and see anything (I mean, within logical reason).

8 things i currently need or want...
1. More sleep
2. A window in my office
3. A lot of money for Nick's school (as in, not a loan)
4. A couch for my office and a couple rugs for my house
5. Free vacations all the time!
6. Nicer/new running shoes and running clothes
7. A baby :(
8. Road trips with my friends - preferrably to see any kind of theater event.

8 people i tag..
1. Amander
2. Bri Hugh
3. Meredith
4. Carly
5. Kristi Jo
6. Melinda
7. Sally
8. Megan Thayne


Amander said...

Love it all. I was happy to see I made number 1 on the tag list (even if it's just because you know I am the one person who will actually do it).

I love getting to know more about people this way!

Oh! And I can't believe you've never been to Seattle?!

Amander said...

And I hope you notice I changed my profile name. That's partially for you, btw.

Nick and Lexie said...

I feel so special that you chnaged your profile name :)