Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Da Deck

Nick's magnificent father built a deck on our house. Nick helped and learned. It is the nicest deck I've ever seen!!! Okay, that might be a bit exaggerated, but I do love it. I asked Mike one of the days how he learned how to build decks and he said, "It's a gift of the spirit." It truly is.

It has completely opened up our yard, and I now have a much greater desire to entertain. Maybe cooking will come next :) I am eternally grateful for having such a great father in law who has so many handy skills and a husband who has a desire to be as talented as his Dad :)

additonal shout out to Britt who helped the final day to put up the railings and to my uncle James who got us a sweet deal on the cedar and trex (I don't think I give enough shouts outs on my blog).

1 comment:

Amander said...

Wow! That deck actually looks really nice. Can't wait to come see it in person :)