Monday, February 24, 2014

Workin Hard for the Money

But not in that way.  I love to write about my family mostly, things we've been up to, things we're dealing with.  But I very rarely write about my job.  Technically, I have two jobs right now. I teach piano - I have 8 students that I teach every week- and while it takes up a good amount of time, I consider this more of a hobby.  It keeps me playing and learning which I love.

Last June, I started my private practice in counseling.  And I have been surprised by both how hard and easy it has been.  There is SO much involved in starting my own business that I won't get into that and bore you.  I feel grateful for varying experiences I have had in different fields prior to this that helped prepare me a bit, but am still learning a lot as I go.  Thank goodness for nice people who can give me a lot of advice.  It always takes more time than I think, which can be a challenge considering my main priority is to take care of my family.  I never get everything done that I would like, so I have endless lists of ideas, books to read, ways to educate myself, and so on.

My cute little office building.  I share it with three other therapists.  

But . . .it has been easy in that I have been kept very busy with a lot of clients - way more than I ever thought in my first year.  I feel so extremely grateful for how well it's gone.  And I just can't describe how lucky I feel to have my dream job.  I love what I do.  It's still never easy being a working mom, I often feel like I have tough choices to make in how I spend my time.  And I feel torn.  There are a lot of days where I don't want to hassle with childcare or getting myself showered and into my office, but in the end, I come out smiling and feeling lucky.  I feel like I personally push myself and it forces me to grow.
My logo that I use on my brochures and business cards.

***This post is not in any way commenting on working or not working as a mother, simply explaining my gratitude for the blessings in my life; my job is definitely one of them.

1 comment:

Amander N said...

I love this blog post for so many reasons. You are such a great counselor.