Friday, September 11, 2009

4 Months Already!!!!

I cannot believe B-Rizzle is already 4 months. I still think she's my brand new little newborn. But perhaps this is because she still looks like she's 6 weeks old (and still wearing some of her 0 to 3 month clothes)!

Never in my life did I think I would have this little string bean for a baby. We went to the doctor yesterday and got her 4 month shots, and man she is a tough little cookie. She hardly cried (she hardly cried at her 2 month either, but I thought that was a fluke). She is so funny because we can put her in freezing cold water and stab her with a needle and she hardly fusses. But man, when she's tired or hungry or her tummy hurts, watch out!!!

We went to the doctor and I left feeling like a terrible mother. I knew Briz was little, but I had no idea how little. She only weighed 11 lbs. 11 oz. - the 10th percentile. I thought for sure the scale was wrong. Then they measured her, but they measured her with her knees up and I was all mad. They said she was 23 1/4, but she was longer than that like 2 months ago! So I measured her when I got home and she was about 26 inches- the 80th percentile. Her reflux is definitely improving, but she still has a hard time nursing. My doctor got mad at me for not seeing a specialist yet, so that is our next step. I'm hoping they have some good suggestions, so Briz can fatten up a little bit. She looks hillarious in her pajamas, cause she is just so long and skinny.

New developments:

- We have started to give her rice cereal before she nurses, and she LOVES it. She is a little pro at eating with a spoon. I can't shovel it into her mouth fast enough. She likes to try to grab the spoon herself but then gets frustrated and wonders why the food isn't going immediately in her mouth.

- She recognizes when people aren't her mom or her dad, and if she gets close enough to them, she makes the saddest little face and bursts out with a sad cry. She quivers her little bottom lip quite well, and while its sad for her, its really funny to watch! After all, that's why we had a kid, for entertainment.

- She likes to do little pushups and see how far up she can push her body when she's on her stomach.

- She grabs for everything and anything within reach and then tries to (or does) shove it in her mouth.

- She snuggles up into the tightest ball ever before she sleeps; she burrows her head into your neck. And then when she goes to sleep, she hides herself under her blanket as she's curled up.

We love our little Ethiopian child.

(You can go on facebook for more 4 month pictures. Too lazy to post.)

P.S. If you would like to leave any comments about how I'm really NOT a bad mom, that would be great. I could use it. But ya know, whatever you want :)


Sierra @ Sierra's View said...

I think you are a FABULOUS mother.
And reading this makes me miss Brizzy so much!! She is getting so big!! Give her big kisses from her favorite aunt for me!

Carly said...

Ok so we really do have to talk right now. I already left a message on your home phone. I know EXACTLY how you are feeling right now. At Sadie's one week appointment when she had lost so much weight and I had thought things were going great, I felt like the worst mom ever. You are not! The fact that you are still nursing Briz shows that. I would have given up (I think I will give up by 4 months). Formula is heading Sadie's way for sure!

It is so interesting how similar our daughter's health problems are. I hope I never have a baby 3 weeks early again. I attribute most of her problems to that.

Blackham Family said...

Your poor little girl, the more I read your blog the more it sounds like Tanner. He was always little little hes almost 2 and bairely 20 pounds. So I can relate to how frusrating it is.
We just bairley found out he has Eosinophilic Esophagitis. Basically he is allergic to everything. His esophagaus is so inflamed that he cant keep food down leading to throwing up worst heart burn in the world and screaming up all night. You should look it up and see if it sounds like something she might have. I wish we could have figured out what he had a long lime ago that sure would have been nice.

But it is frustrating I can totally relate to that. If you havent tried yet one of the main factors that contribute to it is dairy products. So if you think it is something that sounds like a possibility maybe eliminate ALL products with milk. That is what were doing with him now and it is better. You have to read labels carefully EVERYTHING has milk. If you want recepies or food ideas let me know were getting accustomed to this food allergy topic in our house. Good luck hang in there being a mom is hard work.

Kelly Munns said...

it's not like you don't do everything you can to help her. you're a great mom, you know you are. or else you would take the easy routes. keep doing what you're dong and she'll be fine. i promise she wont be teeny her whole life. ok well maybe she will, but at least she won't die from it!

Kelly Munns said...

keep doing what you're doing...not doing what you're dong. that'd just be weird...

Amander said...

I can't believe she's only 11 pounds - what a tiny little thing! And seriously, Lex, you are an awesome mother. I know you do everything in your power for little Briz.

Anonymous said...

Lex, I am so sorry that you are feeling frustrated. I know you are doing a great job. I go in on Monday to see how my girls are measuring up.

Papworth's said...

You're so funny! Seriously not a bad mother at all!! If you think you're a bad mother because of her percentiles, I must be the ultimately worst mother! At Will's 15 month check up, he was below the 3rd percentile in weight and height! Awesome. Then at his 18 month check up, he moved up to the 5th percentile in weight and actually 15th percentile in height. Now the 2 year will be coming up and i'll keep you posted! I feed him and take care of him and he does eat a ton so I'm not too worried about it. They told me to feed him hot dogs at his 15 month check up to fatten him up. Right after you've stopped nursing them they may not gain a whole lot because you've got to replace all those feedings with food, FYI. So, I have just come to grips with the fact that I may just have a little dude. Poor kid. Oh, the things we've handed down! You're a great great mom and she is so cute! She better stop getting taller though because she can't marry Will if he's shorter than her!