Sunday, May 3, 2009


I have about a bazillion pictures to post of our little one (thanks to proud and camera crazy dad). But I have decided to categorize them into a few different posts, and we'll see how much I actually get done tonight.
First of all: labor . . . it was hard. I'm not sure how else to put it.

I went in on Thursday morning at 8 a.m. and the doctor broke my water at 9 a.m. I was hoping that my labor would progress so that I didn't have to be put on pitosin. I was hopeful since I was already moving along a little bit on my own. I went in 3 cm dilated, 80% effaced and with small contractions. I didn't have strong feelings either way about going natural or not, but I thought I would give it a whirl. Now, I had told myself this beforehand, sorta thinking, okay, I'm probably gonna wimp out and get an epidural. Once in labor, I sorta told myself that I would see how it goes up until I reached a 7, and if I could make it there, then I could do the whole thing.

I think this is about the time that I'm a 5 or so. Still in good spirits, and I have no idea what is about to happen.

This is me, telling Nick that he's not funny and he needs to stop taking pictures of me immediately!

Reviewing labor positions in my head.

Up until about a 6, it was a piece of cake. Contractions suck, but I mean, you get a break in between, so they're doable. About an hour after I reached a 6, my contractions were not giving me any breaks. I asked the nurse to check me, and I was at a 6.5 I almost lost it. And I kept thinking I can't do this! I held on for another hour, and I was at an 8. Woohoo! I ended up able to do it. I had no idea I had that kind of strength. The hardest part for me was pushing. The nurse had told me that I probably wouldn't have to push too hard, but uh, she lied. I pushed for 50 minutes, but I was pushing so hard, that I broke blood vessels in my arms, all over my face, and in my eyes. I knew my eyes felt swollen, but when I looked in the mirror, I shouted, "Who is that person?" I have never seen anyone look so hideous after birth. Seriously! My face has gotten a little better now, but my eyes look evil.

A picture doesn't even quite capture how scary I look. But my eyeballs are completely red now and my eyes are black and blue. I'm going to blow this up, frame it, and put it in Brizban's room when she's a teenager if she ever gets out of control. I think it seems to say, I'm watching you, but also, look what you put me through.

Labor was the hardest thing I have ever done and was definitely an out of body experience. Towards the end of contractions and when I was pushing, I kept feeling like my body was somewhere else. Not like I was dying or anything, but that I couldn't consciously handle the pain, so I checked out. My Mom says I looked like a crazed animal. That's always a nice compliment :)

I was in labor for about 10 1/2 hours. And this may make me sound like a bad mother, but the nurse kept saying, "Do it for your little girl." Really, I was thinking, "Screw her! I will do anything to be out of this pain!"

I was a little delirious at the end, and here are some of the things I said:
- Told my doctor when she came running into the room and people were telling me to not push, "Can you get dressed a little faster please!!!"

- To the doctor, "Can't you just grab her head and pull her out!"

- "Am I making any progress at all? Is the pushing doing any good?!!?"

- The doctor asked me if I wanted to keep pushing or if I wanted her to cut me. Uh, no brainer. I told her without hesitation, "Cut me, cut me now!"

That and a little bit of swearing :)

In the end, I got my little girl, and I just couldn't believe any of it. It was all so surreal. There is no way I could have done it without my supporting cast. My Mom was there, and I almost broke her hand doing this choo choo train move while I had contractions. My aunt Sharyl was my personal doula/massage therapist. And Nick was awesome. He wasn't nearly as grossed out as he thought he would be. He was very calm, and I think the only time he was nervous was when I started hyperventilating and I couldn't move my hands. His job was to give me oxygen. He was shoving that thing on my face, and I kept shoving it away.

In the end, all I can really say is I'm very very very glad it's over! As of right now, I don't want any more kids. I'm good with one. But who can blame me with how freakin' cute she is?

Right after delivery, getting cleaned up. She had a little poo right after she came out. Nick was very proud.

Here we are being moved up to the second floor a couple hours after delivery. I refuse to post a picture of my entire face. I draw the line at my crazy eyes. You really wouldn't recognize me.

Here she is after pooping a little bit and getting cleaned up, looking up at her dad. She opened her eyes quite a bit at first.


Sammy said...

You are a brave woman! She is super cute I am so excited for you guys!

Amander said...

You have successfully made me never want to have a natural birth.

But congrats on powering through! I think that is so cool. I seriously can't even fathom the pain.

(And thank you so much for that shot of your eyes - it makes me feel like I'm there.)

Kelly Munns said...

oh my are amazing. i was thinking for sure that you ended up getting an epidural. afterall, who really does it naturally? :)

you are a crazy, strong woman. you put all us drug lovers to shame! i love it. congratulations again. i can't wait to see this mini-you!

Maggie said...

OMG LEXIE! I can't believe you didn't get an epidural! I am all at once bewlidered and impressed. I have never seen that blood vessel But you are awesome with a capital A. Here's to 12 more!