Saturday, July 11, 2015

One Year Old Pictures

I've never had professional pictures taken of my family.  I really wanted to have newborns taken of Wembley, but I couldn't find anyone who was quality but not ridiculously expensive.  Enter Dionne.  My new friend in ward, who is really really talented (in a lot of ways).  But one way she's talented is that she takes great photos.  She took pictures of Wembley, and I'm so excited to continue to use her.
I tried to warn her that Wembley doesn't sit still.  She didn't seem too concerned, until the session started, and she soon began to understand what I was talking about.  Wembley does not sit still.  Ever.  She started to get frustrated that we were making her, but some of the grumpy pictures are my favorites.  Here are a few . . .


Meredith said...

These are awesome! I love number 5 from the top. She is stunning.

Amander N said...

I love them. And she is a seriously gorgeous baby. One of the prettiest I've ever seen.